Report in Mercacei

The latest issue of Mercacei Magazine has a special report on the 17th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair, in which, as you know, PDO Montoro-Adamuz has a particularly important role. Over the six pages of this report, the publisher specialising … Continue reading

Quality, the key to competitiveness

Following a short harvest last season we are glad to see the figures showing what we have already handled in this season. Although unconfirmed, the figures already look much more positive than in previous years, as can be seen from … Continue reading

Long live the Mediterranean diet

Today in our blog we want to highlight the results of two recent pieces of research that have come out of the PREDIMED Study, which we have already spoken about at times. The reason for choosing these two pieces of … Continue reading

Course on the Sensory Analysis of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

One of the professional activities carried out in the framework of the 17th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair, and one of the most popular this year, was the Course on the Sensory Analysis of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. A group … Continue reading

3rd Technical Workshop of the PDO Montoro-Adamuz

With the involvement of more than 200 people, the 3rd Technical Workshop of the PDO Montoro-Adamuz has been one of the highlights of the 17th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair (held from 14th to 17th May 2014). In this edition … Continue reading

Summary of the 17th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair

Once again this year, Montoro became the epicentre of the olive oil industry thanks to the 17th Olive Tree Trade Fair, which took place from 14th to17th May. This is a leading event in the industry and this year 140 … Continue reading

17th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair

Next week will see a new edition of the Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair, an essential date in the international olive oil calendar. From 14th to 17th May 2014, the town of Montoro will yet again become the capital of … Continue reading

Extra virgin olive oil: a great ally against diabetes

Sometime ago we told you in our blog about the study conducted by the Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition at the Carlos Haya Hospital in Malaga on the role of fat in the diet. This demonstrated, among other noteworthy results, that … Continue reading

Extra virgin olive oil in non-refillable packaging will be compulsory in the hospitality industry

Non-refillable packaging in the hospitality industry will benefit the production of high quality olive oil. This initiative is very important as it will fundamentally benefit those producers and packagers committed to quality. In fact, with all the packaging correctly labelled … Continue reading

PDO Montoro-Adamuz Oil and Health Video

We have recently made a corporate video entitled “PDO Montoro-Adamuz oil, Source of Health”.Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and its Polyphenols. We have included a short introduction about the extra virgin olive oils from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz with some … Continue reading

The House of Traditions (Casa de las Tradiciones): thematic space and point of sale for oils from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz

The PDO Montoro-Adamuz has collaborated in the opening of the Casa de las Tradiciones, located in the neighbourhood of San Basilio, which offers a thematic space dedicated to extra virgin olive oil. Here people can enjoy a cultural and informative … Continue reading

3rd Edition of the “Botijuela”

Technical Workshops from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz For the third year, the PDO Montoro-Adamuz collaborated in organising the “Botijuela” fiesta, a traditional celebration that takes place at the end of the olive season and involves the owner of the farm inviting … Continue reading

Oil from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz, a source of health

Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and its Polyphenols The Protected Designation of Origin Montoro-Adamuz covers 55,000 hectares of olive groves situated in the Cordoban Sierra Morena. This hundred-year-old olive grove is famous for its quality and the great stability … Continue reading

Global impact of the health benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and its polyphenols

A diet rich in extra virgin olive oil reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases by 30%. This has gone largely unnoticed in the Spanish media. What has possibly been the greatest contribution from our country to the world … Continue reading

A diet enriched with olive oil from Montoro-Adamuz delays the hunger signal and increases sensitivity to insulin

Doctor Francisca Rodríguez Pacheco, together with other prominent researchers from the Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition at the Carlos Haya Hospital in Malaga have presented, at the SEEN 54 Conference, the study “The role of dietary fat in the metabolism … Continue reading

The EU Regulation on the labelling of Olive Oil is published.

cuchara con aceite

The EU Regulation allowing for the inclusion of the healthy properties of olive oil on labels has been published. On 25 May 2012, the Official Journal of the European Union published a new regulation which establishes a list of authorised … Continue reading

Special prize for the best extra virgin olive oil awarded to the Agricultural Cooperative “Nuestra Madre del Sol”

The agricultural cooperative Nuestra Madre del Sol, SCA (Adamuz) in the designation of origin Montoro-Adamuz has been awarded the “Special prize” for the best extra virgin olive oil in the competition organised by the 16th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair. … Continue reading