(Español) Los aceites DOP Montoro-Adamuz se comercializan por el mundo
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(Español) Somos noticia en The Olive Oil Times
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Bioactive Compounds in Virgin Olive Oil of the PDO Montoro‐Adamuz
We just received a preview article to be published in the prestigious scientific journal JAOCS on research results in extra virgin olive oils of the Designation of Origin Montoro – Adamuz corresponding to the last seven seasons. Here is the … Continue reading
(Español) Los aceites saludables irrumpen en EEUU
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(Español) Beneficios saludables del AOVE DOP Montoro-Adamuz
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(Español) Oleocanthal inhibe la agregación plaquetaria
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(Español) Aceites de oliva y mayor esperanza de vida
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Cáncer de mama, ayuda a prevenirlo tomando aceite de oliva virgen extra
Ha quedado demostrado que la dieta mediterránea enriquecida con aceite de oliva virgen extra, ayuda a reducir en dos terceras partes el riesgo de contraer cáncer de mama. Estas conclusiones se sancan del estudio Predimed que se ha publicado recientemente. … Continue reading
Video Jornadas Técnicas sobre Aceite y Salud DOP Montoro-Adamuz 2015
El Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Montoro – Adamuz organiza las “III Jornadas Técnicas sobre Aceite y Salud” que se enmarcan en la Feria del Olivo de Montoro. La DOP Montoro- Adamuz sigue apostando por la producción de … Continue reading
¿Hervir o freír con virgen extra?
Volvemos ha hacernos eco en nuestro blog sobre las últimas investigaciones realizadas en torno al aceite de oliva virgen extra. Esta vez un grupo de investigadores de Granada demuestra los beneficios de freír hortalizas con Virgen Extra tiene más propiedades … Continue reading
El AOVE contra la enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria
Entre los recientes descubrimientos sobre los efectos beneficiosos del AOVE y en concreto de sus principios bioactivos y de los polifenoles en particular tenemos resaltar el efecto sobre los procesos inflamatorios que afectan al tubo digestivo. Entre estas enfermedades podemos … Continue reading
El aceite de oliva remedio contra el Parkinson
Ana Rosa Cañuelo Navarro profesora del departamento de Biología Experimental de la Universidad de Jaén e integrante del grupo de investigación “Estrés Celular y Edad” presentó dentro del marco de Expoliva 2015 una investigación que está analizando el efecto neuroprotector … Continue reading
Oleocanthal the miraculous polyphenol
A polyphenol in extra virgin olive oil kills cancerous cells in less than an hour. A study carried out by researchers from Rutgers University and the Hunter College of the City Universityof New York in America, and published in the … Continue reading
EVOO PDO Montoro-Adamuz – scientifically demonstrated health benefits
The oil from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz is a natural source of health benefits thanks to its high content of bioactive substances. We have good news about the EVOO from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz! Research studies demonstrate that “EVOO from PDO Montoro-Adamuz … Continue reading
Oleocanthal, an exciting discovery
The best discoveries sometimes happen due to a coincidence or intuition. This is the case with the American biologist Gary Beauchamp, discoverer of Oleocanthal, a molecule present in extra virgin olive oil with a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It turns out … Continue reading
San Andrés Olive Tourism Route
The San Andrés Olive Tourism Route will take place this weekend in Adamuz. Sign up! All the information can be found here.
Exporting quality
2014 is turning out to be a good year for Andalusian exports and within these transactions, even though it sounds like a cliché, extra virgin olive oil is once again the star. And, of course, extra virgin olive oil from … Continue reading
Montoro-Adamuz in Gastronight Cordoba
All of us who have tried the gastronomic products from Cordoba (and those of us who are lucky enough to enjoy them every day) know that they are of excellent quality. However, this positioning has been achieved thanks to the … Continue reading
10 benefits of extra virgin olive oil
“Let food be your medicine and medicine your food” (Hippocrates). This popular quote from one of the most famous doctors in Ancient Greece could well be the slogan for PDO Montoro-Adamuz as each day new studies are published showing the … Continue reading