EVOO PDO Montoro-Adamuz – scientifically demonstrated health benefits


The oil from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz is a natural source of health benefits thanks to its high content of bioactive substances.

We have good news about the EVOO from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz!

Research studies demonstrate that “EVOO from PDO Montoro-Adamuz is very beneficial to health”.

Manuel Brenes of the Institute of Fats and Fat Derivatives (IG-CSIC) in Seville gave a presentation at the 28th EFFoST International Conference,heldtogether with the 7th International Food Factory for the Future Conferencewhich took place from 25th to 28th November 2014 at Uppsala Konsert & Kongress (Sweden), under the theme“Innovations in attractive and sustainable food for health”.This has shown, from the studies carried out over the last six seasons, the high content of bioactive compounds in the extra virgin olive oils from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz.

The consumption of extra virgin olive oil is not only highly recommendable for human health due to the high content of fatty acids in its composition, but it is also very beneficial thanks to its content of minor compounds such as phenols, tocopherols, sterols, squalene and others. However, the concentration of these substances in EVOO depends on the type of olives cultivated, the agricultural conditions and the processing methods, among other factors. In this study, thebioactive compounds in EVOO from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz were analysed for various components, in particular phenolic compounds. Similarly, the influence of the location of the olive trees (sunny or shady area) and the content of these substances in the oils were also examined.



The conclusion drawn from this study is thatthe EVOO from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz are very rich in bioactive substances such as oleic acid, sterols, squalene and tocopherols in particular, and they possess a high concentration of phenolic compounds(>700mg/kg)which can be attributed to the extreme agricultural and climatic conditions, the varieties of olive (Picual and Nevadillo Negro) and the early harvesting of the fruit.

This positions the EVOO from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz as the only Protected Designation of Origin whose EVOO has had these components analysed over six years and have scientific evidence of being very healthy.

