Cáncer de mama, ayuda a prevenirlo tomando aceite de oliva virgen extra

mujer-dieta-mediterranea-aceite-de-oliva-virgen-extra56788309Ha quedado demostrado que la dieta mediterránea enriquecida con aceite de oliva virgen extra, ayuda a reducir en dos terceras partes el riesgo de contraer cáncer de mama. Estas conclusiones se sancan del estudio Predimed que se ha publicado recientemente.

En este pormenorizado estudio llevado a cabo entre el 2003 y 2009, participaron 4.200 mujeres de entre 60 y 80 años divididas en tres grupos. A las que estaban incluidas en el grupo de control se les indicó que debían seguir la dieta mediterránea, el segundo que complementase esa dieta con nueces y otros frutos secos, y el tercero además que lo reforzara tomando 4 cucharadas soperas de aceite de oliva virgen extra. Precisamente fue en este tercer grupo en el que se percibieron muchos menos casos de cáncer de mama, hasta un 68% menos. Las participantes fueron seleccionadas de toda España y distribuidas de manera aleatoria en cada grupo, por lo que los factores de riesgos eran estadísticamente similares en los tres grupos.

Por lo tanto, las tasas absolutas de cáncer de mama por cada 1.000 mujeres/año son de 1,1 en el primer grupo, de 1,8 en el segundo grupo (los frutos secos también aportaron cierta protección frente a este cáncer) y de 2,9 en el tercero, lo que hace destacable el poder anticancerígeno del aceite de oliva virgen extra, y en concreto contra el cáncer de mama.

España y los países del sur de Europa en general, han tenido históricamente unas tasas de cáncer de mama inferiores a la media mundial. Ahora se demuestra que la dieta que usamos en estas zonas es un factor determinante a la hora de tener esta baja incidencia en estos cánceres, y más en concreto en zonas donde se cultiva y consume el aceite de oliva virgen extra.


En el fondo de todo parecen que están los polifenoles del aceite de oliva virgen extra, que ya no solo ha quedado demostrado que son unos potentes inflamatorios, también son capaces de ayudar a detener la progresión del cáncer, llegando incluso a extraerse de este estudio y se han documentado casos al respecto, que detiene la evolución de algunas células malignas muy incipientes que pudieran tener algunas de las 4.000 mujeres que participaron en el estudio.

El aceite de oliva virgen extra de la Denominación de Origen Protegida Montoro-Adamuz es extraído de olivares de Sierra y Centenarios, con características edafoclimáticas extremas que hacen que sean aceites de una calidad excepcional y los más ricos en estos componentes fenólicos y por lo tanto en Oleocanthal. Además la variedad de aceituna picual autóctona “Nevadillo Negro” es especialmente rica en estos polifenoles.

Por lo tanto una vida saludable en la que sigamos una dieta mediterránea consistente en verduras, pescados y aceite de oliva virgen extra además de reducir el riesgo cardiovascular, ayuda a prevenir el cáncer de mama.


EVOO PDO Montoro-Adamuz – scientifically demonstrated health benefits


The oil from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz is a natural source of health benefits thanks to its high content of bioactive substances.

We have good news about the EVOO from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz!

Research studies demonstrate that “EVOO from PDO Montoro-Adamuz is very beneficial to health”.

Manuel Brenes of the Institute of Fats and Fat Derivatives (IG-CSIC) in Seville gave a presentation at the 28th EFFoST International Conference,heldtogether with the 7th International Food Factory for the Future Conferencewhich took place from 25th to 28th November 2014 at Uppsala Konsert & Kongress (Sweden), under the theme“Innovations in attractive and sustainable food for health”.This has shown, from the studies carried out over the last six seasons, the high content of bioactive compounds in the extra virgin olive oils from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz.

The consumption of extra virgin olive oil is not only highly recommendable for human health due to the high content of fatty acids in its composition, but it is also very beneficial thanks to its content of minor compounds such as phenols, tocopherols, sterols, squalene and others. However, the concentration of these substances in EVOO depends on the type of olives cultivated, the agricultural conditions and the processing methods, among other factors. In this study, thebioactive compounds in EVOO from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz were analysed for various components, in particular phenolic compounds. Similarly, the influence of the location of the olive trees (sunny or shady area) and the content of these substances in the oils were also examined.



The conclusion drawn from this study is thatthe EVOO from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz are very rich in bioactive substances such as oleic acid, sterols, squalene and tocopherols in particular, and they possess a high concentration of phenolic compounds(>700mg/kg)which can be attributed to the extreme agricultural and climatic conditions, the varieties of olive (Picual and Nevadillo Negro) and the early harvesting of the fruit.

This positions the EVOO from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz as the only Protected Designation of Origin whose EVOO has had these components analysed over six years and have scientific evidence of being very healthy.



Designation Montoro-Adamuz exports EVOO to China

The first bottles from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz destined for the Asian country are being packaged at the facilities of the Hojiblanca Group in Villarubia (Cordoba). Around 100,000 kg of Extra Virgin Olive Oilof the OLIO brand will be packaged throughout 2013, the first steps towards the exporting that we hope to see consolidated over time.

Olive oil, as the main element of the Mediterranean Diet, is gaining prestige every day as a healthy food and is conquering new markets thanks to publications such as the PREDIMED study, the trial with the greatest scope and conducted on nutrition in Spain over a period of 10 years. It has had a big impact in the media worldwide and concludes that a Mediterranean Diet enriched with extra virgin olive oil reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases by 30%.

Thanks to the research conducted by the Protected Designation of Origin Montoro-Adamuz over the last five seasons, it has been possible to demonstrate the high content of natural polyphenols in its oils. This makes them very healthy and stable, which is helping to open new markets outside Spain. Product promotion is going to begin in countries such as the United States and Japan, both very health conscious, and we hope to have some more good news soon.

This is recognition of the good work of the farmers and cooperatives in the district. Each year they strive to improve the quality of their production and, with the help of the PDO Montoro-Adamuz, intend to promote the virtues of the oil, for the expansion of their markets and to help them increase the competitiveness of the mountain olive groves of Montoro-Adamuz.

The team from the PREDIMED Study publishes new results

The team from the PREDIMED Study publishes new results in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.

The consumption of a Mediterranean diet enriched with extra virgin olive oil helps to prevent mental decline in old age

  • The research, led by the University of Navarre, has been developed over the last six and a half years and 552 people aged between 55 and 80 years have participated.
  • The study, which began in 2003, has involved the collaboration of the Communal Olive Grower Heritage Foundation (Fundación Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero), which has provided the extra virgin oils used in the diet of the people taking part in the study

Madrid 21-05-2013. The PREDIMED Study (Prevention with Mediterranean Diet) is a true gold mine for Spanish science. It has already shown that the consumption of a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oils or nuts prevents cardiovascular diseases and now it is time to look at its effects on mental health in old age.

The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry has published an article which analyses the results in this new area of research using PREDIMED, led in this case by the University of Navarre in collaboration with Primary Care centres from the Navarre Health Service. It has assessed the effects of this diet on the mental capacity of a selected group of participants in the PREDIMED Study. The team, led by Professor Miguel Ángel Martínez, has worked with a sample of 522 people from the Autonomous Community of Navarre who have been monitored over six and a half years. The participants in the study, aged between 55 and 80, were randomly assigned to three groups. The first was given a Mediterranean diet rich in extra virgin olive oil. The second was given a Mediterranean diet complemented with nuts, while the control group, the third, was given a diet low in fats, of the type usually prescribed to people at risk from a cardiovascular disease.


Miguel Ángel Martínez, Professor of Preventative Medicine and Public Health at the University of Navarre

“What has happened over the six and a half years of monitoring? Well, cognitive functioning, cognitive performance that is assessed with some standardised tests (Mini-mental Test and Clock Drawing Test), were significantly better in the two Mediterranean diet groups, especially in the group with the Mediterranean diet with extra virgin olive oil, if we compare it with the group of people who have followed a low-fat diet”. Doctor Martínez explains that cognitive impairment is measured with tests designed to determine the capacity for memorising, orientation or the ability to calculate, fundamentally in older people.
This data must still be completed, in such a way that “in the coming months we will probably have information on how many participants have developed Alzheimer’s disease and how many dementia, and it is foreseeable that we will have very solid proof that Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented with extra virgin olive oil and the Mediterranean diet”.


Doctor Martínez during the presentation given at the 1st Medical Conference Olive Oil, Nutrition and Health organised by the Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva organisation

It is clear that this data merely confirms the results from many research projects that have spent years working on the effects of olive oil on health. “It has been shown that extra virgin olive oil contains a molecule, oleocanthal, which produces a beneficial effect on the cerebral beta-amyloid, promoting its elimination. A lot of beta-amyloid accumulates in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s. So, when a person consumes extra virgin olive oil, that molecule, the oleocanthal, removes the beta-amyloid from the brain, and this is a mechanism, among others, through which it could have the beneficial effect now found in this trial”.

Source: Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español

For more information: www.interprofesionaldelaceitedeoliva.com