(Español) Pago Las Monjas Mejor Almazara Nacional

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(Español) La DOP Montoro-Adamuz se consolida en el mercado exterior
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(Español) Los aceites DOP Montoro-Adamuz se comercializan por el mundo
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(Español) Oleocanthal inhibe la agregación plaquetaria

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(Español) Aceites de oliva y mayor esperanza de vida
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Video Jornadas Técnicas sobre Aceite y Salud DOP Montoro-Adamuz 2015

El Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Montoro – Adamuz organiza las “III Jornadas Técnicas sobre Aceite y Salud” que se enmarcan en la Feria del Olivo de Montoro. La DOP Montoro- Adamuz sigue apostando por la producción de … Continue reading
San Andrés Olive Tourism Route

The San Andrés Olive Tourism Route will take place this weekend in Adamuz. Sign up! All the information can be found here.
Course on the Sensory Analysis of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

One of the professional activities carried out in the framework of the 17th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair, and one of the most popular this year, was the Course on the Sensory Analysis of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. A group … Continue reading
3rd Technical Workshop of the PDO Montoro-Adamuz

With the involvement of more than 200 people, the 3rd Technical Workshop of the PDO Montoro-Adamuz has been one of the highlights of the 17th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair (held from 14th to 17th May 2014). In this edition … Continue reading
Summary of the 17th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair

Once again this year, Montoro became the epicentre of the olive oil industry thanks to the 17th Olive Tree Trade Fair, which took place from 14th to17th May. This is a leading event in the industry and this year 140 … Continue reading
Designation Montoro-Adamuz exports EVOO to China

The first bottles from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz destined for the Asian country are being packaged at the facilities of the Hojiblanca Group in Villarubia (Cordoba). Around 100,000 kg of Extra Virgin Olive Oilof the OLIO brand will be packaged throughout … Continue reading
The House of Traditions (Casa de las Tradiciones): thematic space and point of sale for oils from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz

The PDO Montoro-Adamuz has collaborated in the opening of the Casa de las Tradiciones, located in the neighbourhood of San Basilio, which offers a thematic space dedicated to extra virgin olive oil. Here people can enjoy a cultural and informative … Continue reading
3rd Edition of the “Botijuela”

Technical Workshops from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz For the third year, the PDO Montoro-Adamuz collaborated in organising the “Botijuela” fiesta, a traditional celebration that takes place at the end of the olive season and involves the owner of the farm inviting … Continue reading
Participation of the PDO in the 16th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair.

We will of course be taking part again in the Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair between 16th and 19th May. You are invited to visit our stand where you will be able to taste the best oils from the district … Continue reading