(Español) Pago Las Monjas Mejor Almazara Nacional

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(Español) La DOP Montoro-Adamuz se consolida en el mercado exterior
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(Español) Los aceites DOP Montoro-Adamuz se comercializan por el mundo
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(Español) Los aceites saludables irrumpen en EEUU
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Exporting quality

2014 is turning out to be a good year for Andalusian exports and within these transactions, even though it sounds like a cliché, extra virgin olive oil is once again the star. And, of course, extra virgin olive oil from … Continue reading
Quality, the key to competitiveness

Following a short harvest last season we are glad to see the figures showing what we have already handled in this season. Although unconfirmed, the figures already look much more positive than in previous years, as can be seen from … Continue reading
Oil from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz begins to be exported to Japan

It has been introduced, through the ALISA brand from the company Hojiblanca S.C.A, into the supermarkets of the AEON Group, the leading chain of Japanese hypermarkets. The oil has been packaged in the facilities owned by the Hojiblanca Group in … Continue reading
Designation Montoro-Adamuz exports EVOO to China

The first bottles from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz destined for the Asian country are being packaged at the facilities of the Hojiblanca Group in Villarubia (Cordoba). Around 100,000 kg of Extra Virgin Olive Oilof the OLIO brand will be packaged throughout … Continue reading