The PDO Montoro-Adamuz organises workshops on “Oil and health”

As part of the 16th Montoro Olive Tree Trade Fair, the Governing Board of the PDO Montoro-Adamuz is organising the technical workshops on the Extra Virgin Olive Oil of Montoro-Adamuz and its health benefits, due to the high content of polyphenols and natural antioxidant agents which make the oils the most beneficial for health.

The workshops will take place at the Municipal Theatre of Montoro on Friday 18th May. They will involve Dr. Manuel Brenes from the Institute of Fats and Fat Derivatives, with whom the PDO Montoro-Adamuz has conducted several studies since the 2008/2009 season, finding figures for the phenolic compounds that are much higher than the average in extra virgin oils, thanks to their individual nature.Other speakers will include Dr Francisco Pérez Jiménez from the Reina Sofía Hospital and Dr Montserrat Fitó from the Hospital del Mar, both with several research projects on the health benefits of consuming extra virgin olive oils with their high content of polyphenols as part of the Mediterranean Diet.Finally, the workshops will end with a session from the Catering School of Cordoba explaining the advantages of using EVOO in cooking.

In addition, throughout the morning people will be able to enjoy a miller’s breakfast with EVOO from the PDO Montoro-Adamuz, involving bread, cod and olives.